
The Key To Self-Acceptance

Sometimes we get distress about the physical changes our body can experience. Kate Holcombe the founder of the nonprofit Healing Yoga Foundation in San Francisco believes that the distress occurs when you identify with the parts of yourself that change everything from...

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The Path To Find Harmony In Your Relationship

Do you sometimes feel unable to relate with the person you love? Perhaps you find that an old incident continues to be a recurrent theme in arguments with your partner. A reason could be when our “withholds” occur where we project…

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Find Freedom From Ruminative Thoughts

Do you ever find it difficult to quiet your mind? If you do, you are not alone. Working with our thoughts can be one of the greatest challenges in our lives. Rinpoche a spiritual leader published a hopeful article teaching us how…

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One Effective Way To Dissolve Your Anger

Gratitude is a choice and many times we seem to take it for granted. You could be in a dream vacation where everything is perfect, peaceful, and relaxing and if you are thinking about your problems back home this paradise transforms into your own private hell. You...

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Finding Happiness

As I am getting ready for my trip to India, I want to learn more about what the country can offer. I stumbled across an interview that Oprah did on Deepak Chopra. He is one of the great thought leaders of our time and advocates mind-body connection. He talked about...

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